Learn to Make Cold Process Soap

Do you want to make natural soap but don’t know where to begin? This guide is designed with you in mind. Written by experienced soapmaking teacher Tanya Anderson, it will walk you through the full process of making cold-process soap from start to finish.

In its 68 pages, you’ll learn about the ingredients you can use, including natural colorants, essential oils, and decorating soap with dried herbs and flowers.

You’ll also learn about infusing oils with botanical colorants, soapmaking equipment, and safety, and get printable soap recipes. This natural soapmaking guide answers practically everything you might ask about natural cold-process soapmaking and gently leads you through making your first batches of soap.

What's inside?

  • Detailed information on natural soap ingredients, such as oils, lye, and botanicals
  • An introduction to soap-making equipment and molds
  • Step-by-step walk-through of cold-process soap making, including a safety check-list
  • Soapmaking oils chart
  • Natural soap colorants chart
  • Essential oils for soap recipes chart
  • Six small-batch soap recipes that make 6-8 bars each
  • Full description of soapmaking topics, including temperatures and superfat
  • Tips on where to get soap-making ingredients and avoiding common mistakes

What is an ebook?

This product is a 68-page digital ebook you can download after purchasing. It can be viewed on your mobile device or computer or printed out. The ebook format is a PDF.

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